November 25, 2014

How I Received the Holy Ghost

Praise and thanks be to God for opening my eyes to the fact that I must not just believe, but also RECEIVE the Holy Ghost. My husband and I were talking and he was telling me that there is more of God to receive, and we must actually receive the Holy Ghost. I said, “I do not know what you are talking about, we do have the Holy Ghost”. He asked me how do I know that I have it and when did I receive it. I said, “When you truly receive the message for the hour, which is the Holy Ghost, then you automatically receive and have he Holy Ghost”. I began to seek the Lord for an answer, because even my very own reply was one that I was taught, and it had never been challenged.

As I began to seek the Lord, He revealed to me the absolute necessity of receiving the Holy Ghost in the soul. I became extremely desperate. Certain family members were wondering what was wrong with me, because when you are desperate, many times you do some things that may not seem ordinary. The books and tapes suddenly became new to me, as if I had never heard them before. I was praying and fasting both day and night. I told the Lord, He may as well kill me, because I could not live without Him.

As I was consecrating myself before service one Friday night, I told the Lord that I believe Brother Nelson has the Holy Ghost, and to let him make an altar call so he can lay his hands on me so that I would truly receive the Holy Spirit. Saints of God, when I was at church, everyone was praying and suddenly Brother Nelson said he felt led to invite anyone to the front who desired prayer. I knew that God would fulfil His Word. I went up and was praying and crying for God to touch my soul. Pastor Nelson put his hands on my head and asked the Lord to baptise me with the Holy Ghost. I felt a wind touch me and the most sweetest presence I have ever known which is indescribable, but it was like peace and joy entered my soul.

Saints of God, this was not just an ordinary experience, it was THE EXPERIENCE that totally transformed my life. I have never been the same since. Nobody under the sun can take what I know, that I know, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has done for me.

Sister Ursulla

By J M Testimonies Toronto Share:

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