• Showers of Blessings

     What can I say of the Mutare convention? May God bless you for yielding yourself to the moving of the Holy Spirit and giving us showers of blessings. I will never forget the last service for as long as I can remember – Speak the Word only.

    There was something that was bothering me even during the start of the meetings, and I was a bit tense. However, during your last service where the Lord came down mightily and my prayer was answered. I believe I will send you a powerful testimony one of these days. If the Lord answered, He will surely perform.

    God bless and keep you

    Bro K

    August 8, 2005 By J M Missionary Testimonies Zimbabwe
  • Instant Healing From Sinus Problems

    God bless you Saints,

     I would like to share with you what the Lord has done for me.

     Last week I was having a very bad cold where my sinuses were so clogged up and I was coughing a lot. I had so much pressure in my face and I was not sleeping properly. Now this came on me suddenly from Wednesday night when I went to work, even my boss asked me how come I am so sick now all of a sudden.

    I carried on as if nothing was going on. Determined not to let satan put me down. So we had prayer service on Friday night. Pastor Nelson asked for those who had spoken requests. I put up my hand because I could not breathe properly and I was feeling quite ill.

    He then called me to come forward for prayer, Saints he read the scripture in James chapter 5 if there is any sick among you call for the elders of the church and let them anoint with oil and pray for you. He prayed and the Lord Jesus came and His presence was so strong I cannot explain with my own human language or thought what it was but I started to scream and bow down in reverence crying. The Lord instantly healed my sinuses and took away all the pressure in my face, the coughing stopped instantly and I regained the full range of my voice so that I could sing His praises. HALLELUYAH GOD IS REAL


     Sis M. W.


    July 1, 2005 By J M Testimonies Toronto
  • Great Manifestation of Divine Healing

    Greetings Saints in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    I want to testify of a great manifestation of divine healing in me. On June 22nd, my doctor advised me that my 11 week ultrasound suggested that there was a membrane missing in the sack between the twins. It meant that I would have to be hospitalized at 24 weeks and the babies taken by caesarian section at 30 weeks. She apologized for having to give me bad news. I thanked her for telling me the truth, but I was devastated.

    I cried all the way back to work, even though I was telling myself that God could turn the situation around. I just could not break through. When I got up the next morning, God so rich in mercy, lifted the burden of that negative report from upon me and I knew without a doubt that all was well. Even though I was sure that it was already done, I felt that I needed to have hands laid on me to make the manifestation complete.

    At the end of service on Sunday, June 26, 2005, my daughter Moriah fell asleep on my lap in the foyer as a prayer line was forming at the alter. I began to get mind battles about what I should do. Suddenly, I felt that I should get up with the baby and join the line. Bro. Nelson asked me what I desired prayer for, I told him and he prayed. I knew that this prayer was just in obedience to God because I recognized and accepted my healing already. As Bro. Nelson prayed, the anointing of God hit me so strong just confirming His promise that it was already done.

    At the emergency ultrasound scheduled for Monday, the technician began the exam. Usually, they would ask, What are you here for today? Instead she said, I see the two babies and I see a thin membrane between the two. I could not help but rejoice and marvel at the greater goodness of God that He did not allow me to wait for the answer, but compelled the technician to give me the positive news right away.

     To God be the glory.

    Sis. W. C.

    June 26, 2005 By J M Testimonies Toronto
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