June 30, 2002

Healed From A Pinched Nerve

I hurt myself doing some work. I had hurt myself before and my wife would massage it for me, so I thought the pain was gone. While I was doing some work in the backyard I think I injured it and that’s when the pain got worse. There was nothing I or my wife could do to help.

I could not sleep at night for more than 2 hours at most. I would try sleeping on my side to find a comfortable spot with no pain, but I could find none. My wife thought I was so fidgety so she gave me my own space to sleep, by I could not sleep. I sat in the living room in my chair, still no sleep. She would get up at 2 or 3 am in the morning to check up on me, and find me in the living room. She said, If I could share some of the pain, I would. As my wife said, I found him outside moaning and groaning, he could not find a comfortable spot. I started thinking, he is the only bread winner in this house.

He needs his arms in working order because it is not like he is sitting behind a desk all day. He was in real pain and he was not telling me just how severe the pain was, but it was more than he was letting on. We tried to get him to take a pain killer but he would not take it, not even a Tylenol. I thought if he did, he could get some sleep, but he refused.

It was some 3 weeks of severe pain before I decided to see a Doctor for this condition. I went to see a Naturopathic doctor, he seemed to be a nice Christian gentleman. Before he looked after me, he would pray. I thought that was good.

After examining me, he said the nerve was twisted. Instead of it being in a certain position, it was projecting with a twist in the nerve like a knot. Nothing could travel through and that is what was causing the severe pain. He gave me some natural herbs to take to calm the nerve, but it wasn’t helping so I stopped taking it.

After one (1) week I decided to stop. I had already seen him two times and previous to that I had visited a regular Doctor (sort of a nerve specialist) at the Brampton general hospital. He used needles to puncture my back, neck, and shoulder. He would stick the needles all over my arm and shoulder to tell where the damage was. I said to myself, this man is brutal. I could feel when the needle was going through my flesh. He said that there were severe damage right at the back of my shoulder and neck, and I would take one year for recovery, while the Naturopath said three months.

The Doctor gave me some breathing and stretching exercises that would help to ease the pain so that I could get some comfort, and help the nerves to relax. Neither the naturopath or the doctor could tell me for sure I would be healed.

They could only say what medical science could offer, an aid for a time. There was no guarantee. The naturopath said three months, the regular doctor said one year, but Doctor Jesus said three days. As my wife adds, Brother J. V. all this time would still get up and go to work. He would probably get about twenty minutes of sleep and still get up and go to work. When he is gone, I would be at home praying Lord you got to do something, see how hard he works. I take care of the children, but he needs his whole body in working order, this can not go on. I would massage it for him, put hot water bottle, cold, tiger balm, you name it, to try somehow to help him, but it did not help. When my wife brought the water bottle for my back it felt like fire, I said to her take it away. It did not help.Through all this I did not once cry. My wife felt like crying for me. My main focuswas on God promise …I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26. I kept repeating that every moment every chance I got, I took Him at His word. This promise is what gave me the strength to go on, to keep pressing, because I knew that He would come through. Before I got the injury I said to myself, I would never see a doctor, only Jesus I will go to. I held on to the promise He made that He would provide my daily needs and …If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. St John 14:14

At no time did I doubt His Word. I was concerned about my wife and children, and I said to the Lord, Lord keep doubt away, Lord keep the devil away from me I did not want him to hinder my healing. The Prophet said when desperation comes we get really sincere about our prayers, I was sincere. I did not falter. Before then, I did not read and pray as much as I do now. I focused on the Lord daily for my health and strength. I thank Him. I said God give me faith to respond to my healing.

On Sunday morning about 3:30am I was reading Psalm 37 and I said to the Lord Today you will heal me. I went to church expecting to be healed and at about 12:45 pm I started praying to God. I said to Him You have to come on the scene. Would you please stop Pastor Nelson from preaching and call a prayer line, and exactly at 1:00 pm Bro. Nelson stopped and called a prayer line. He said who wants prayer. I rushed up to the front and he asked me what are you here for. I said, prayer. I told him I had a pinched nerve and he put his hand on my head, but I did not feel his hand on my head anymore, but if felt a hot pack on my shoulder. My whole back was filled with heat. He said go, you are healed. I walked to my post of duty and lifted my hand and praised God. Before then, I could not lift my hand at all. There was still some tingling where the pain used to be, but I had strength to lift it. The Holy Spirit said in 3 days I would be completely healed. On Sunday Br Nelson prayed, Monday I could feel 3 fingers by Wednesday night at 12 midnight I had complete victory.

Thank God I am healed. The Naturopath said 3 months, The natural doctor said 1 year but the Great Physician said 3 days. He never changes. Hebrews 13-8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever.

Through all that I lost 10 pounds and after my healing I regained 20 pounds. That Sunday I went home and slept for nine hours I went to bed at 10pm and woke up the next day at 7am. My testimony is, Faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen : for me, I am the evidence. He is real, I can never forget what He has done for me.

On June 30th, 2002 Bro J. V. wrote this while thinking on what the Lord did for him. The song leader started with the song, Your grace and mercy brought me through I am living this moment because of you……. We do not deserve Gods healing but through His grace and goodness and mercy He gives this privilege of healing to his beloved children who He loves. That is why He came down from His portal of glory to redeem us. The price was already paid for my healing, I asked my God to give me faith to respond to my healing but I have to know Him for myself, I have to be a witness for Him.

Brother J. V

By J M Testimonies Toronto Share:

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